How To Turn On Instagram Dark Mode ?
Over the years, a large portion of Instagram users have spent considerable time trying to figure out how to activate the famous dark mode. Finally, since October 2019, this feature is available for both iOS and Android.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels
Why switching to Dark mode is a good decision ?
Battery saving : Using apps in dark mode can help improve your phone's battery life. If you use an LCD or another type of screen switching to night mode won’t do much for your battery life but if you have an AMOLED or OLED screen then dark mode will be efficient to prolong your battery life.
Reduces eye strain : Dark themes can reduce eye strain in low-light conditions. But it’s not always advisable to use this mode especially in high-light conditions.
Because it is fashionable : sometimes a simple design change can turn your boredom into excitement.
How to activate Instagram dark mode on iOS ?
Instagram's dark mode works only on iOS 13. So you will need to update your Apple device first.
You have to download the latest Instagram update.
Open the Settings on your Apple device.
Go to Display & Brightness
Under Appearance section you will find two options: Dark Mode or light Mode. Select the Dark Mode on the right side.
Restart the Instagram app and enjoy the new look.
Notice: It's not possible to force only Instagram to be in night mode. This mode will be set for the entire phone.
How to activate Instagram dark mode on Android ?
Turning on Instagram's Dark Mode with your Android phone can also be done in few simple steps. There is no way to turn it on and off within the Instagram app. Everything will be done from your phone settings.
Check if your device runs on Android 10 otherwise you have to upgrade it. To check if there is an upgrade available. Go to Settings > System > System Update.
Tap on Display.
Scroll down and you will find the Dark Theme section.
Restart the Instagram app.
Notice: it's not possible to force only Instagram to be in night mode. This mode will be set for the entire phone.