Tag: opencv
How to Use the Hough Transform for Line Detection...
Briefly, the Hough transform is a technique that is exploited to extract simple shapes out of images. By simple shapes, we mean forms...
Understanding Circle Detection in Image Processing:...
For people who are interested in robotics, detecting simple shapes using a webcam is a must-have skill. In this step-by-step tutorial...
How to Fix : AttributeError 'module' object has no...
This bug usually happens when we want to insert a text inside a window when using the OpenCV library.
How to Change Pixel RGB Values of Webcam Video Using...
Today, in this tutorial, we are going to learn how to change pixels RGB values using a GUI with multiple trackbars. If you don't know...
How To Blur a Picture Using A Trackbar In OpenCV [C++]
Trackbars are such a useful tools when we talk about projects with graphic user Interface. In this brief tutorial we will learn together...
How To Create a Webcam Video Capture Using OpenCV...
In this short Tutorial we will see briefly how to create a live video capture from a laptop webcam using OpenCV (Open Computer Vision)...